
getting started

Published by Mason M Cathey
Mar 10th 2010, 6:41pm

There's the juxtaposition today of getting started big time and sleeping in until 10am.  For me, it all works wonderfully.  I see the long hours in bed as a lesson that my body was tired and it kind of helps explain why two nights ago I couldn't form but one word answers to questions when my boyfriend called me on the phone after dinner. 

Today's about getting started on this blog which I aim to do each week, and getting started with ourdoor practice and the outdoor season.  I have big goals and am looking forward to the regular hard work.  To the discipline, to the lifting, to the saying yes, and saying no, to keeping a log, and all of it. 

In keeping there with the thought of keeping a log, why do I drift from it sometimes?  Is it because I haven't been sitting at my desk where it rests?  Is it because I haven't run what I've wanted to and so I'm not wanting to write it down?  Is it because once I've missed a while, I think I'll wait until the next week, only to soften the good habit a little more?  Maybe because it was the end of the season and nothing seemed impressive, I didn't write about it.  I can guarantee I'll be filling it in tonight after running to and from Derby Hill and doing some work over there.  Now, will I fill in Monday and Tuesday tonight as well which sit blank right now?

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